Block Shares

Block Shares
3541561 3542075 3542556 3543663 3544695 3544934 3545539 3545962 3545972 3546781 3547607 3547912 3548403 3549267 3549395 3550081 3550564 3550959 3551445 3551706
Expected 4013 4153 4861 4095 3990 4574 4228 4160 4098 4433 4326 4880 4761 4810 4905 4355 4332 5100 4255 4467
Actual 6772 3892 4323 9219 8913 1897 5721 3287 106 7130 7045 2688 4856 7070 1089 6376 3902 3641 4270 1970
Average 3764 4130 3814 4379 5162 5343 5294 5128 4937 5126 5153 5033 5086 4871 4089 4537 4355 4390 4807 4291

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,892,945 74733 74715 18 79,000.7102 368908629 378336793 102.56% 285863220.8208 2.58%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 4 4 0 72,615.7291 18154 13783 75.92% 10000.21005749 0.28%
Last 7 Days 10,080 19 19 0 71,396.2703 84783 87395 103.08% 47502.67752181 0.19%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 80 80 0 69,785.9862 348930 348221 99.80% 200016.70039986 0.20%
Last 12 Month 483,840 1266 1266 0 76,537.8894 6056060 6097702 100.69% 3165237.5382546 0.26%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3551706 Confirmed anonymous 22/10 04:26:54 (UTC) 71,469.73 2,500.000000 4,467 1,970 44.10
3551445 Confirmed anonymous 21/10 23:57:28 (UTC) 68,075.79 2,500.000000 4,255 4,270 100.35
3550959 Confirmed anonymous 21/10 15:43:40 (UTC) 81,597.83 2,500.205569 5,100 3,641 71.39
3550564 Confirmed anonymous 21/10 09:17:58 (UTC) 69,319.57 2,500.004488 4,332 3,902 90.07
3550081 Confirmed anonymous 21/10 01:06:20 (UTC) 69,685.10 2,500.000000 4,355 6,376 146.41
3549395 Confirmed fxfxfx47 20/10 13:20:44 (UTC) 78,484.40 2,500.039829 4,905 1,089 22.20
3549267 Confirmed anonymous 20/10 11:25:56 (UTC) 76,964.05 2,500.416474 4,810 7,070 146.99
3548403 Confirmed Bitimo 19/10 20:55:36 (UTC) 76,179.10 2,500.000000 4,761 4,856 102.00
3547912 Confirmed anonymous 19/10 12:43:58 (UTC) 78,072.09 2,500.000000 4,880 2,688 55.08
3547607 Confirmed anonymous 19/10 07:38:18 (UTC) 69,210.10 2,500.009654 4,326 7,045 162.85
3546781 Confirmed anonymous 18/10 17:43:25 (UTC) 70,927.98 2,501.525991 4,433 7,130 160.84
3545972 Confirmed anonymous 18/10 04:17:02 (UTC) 65,561.01 2,500.268816 4,098 106 2.59
3545962 Confirmed anonymous 18/10 04:03:23 (UTC) 66,555.64 2,500.093383 4,160 3,287 79.01
3545539 Confirmed anonymous 17/10 20:52:46 (UTC) 67,644.77 2,500.000000 4,228 5,721 135.31
3544934 Confirmed anonymous 17/10 10:38:38 (UTC) 73,191.92 2,500.005089 4,574 1,897 41.47
3544695 Confirmed anonymous 17/10 06:52:32 (UTC) 63,847.62 2,500.060608 3,990 8,913 223.38
3543663 Confirmed anonymous 16/10 13:33:30 (UTC) 65,516.01 2,500.003792 4,095 9,219 225.13
3542556 Confirmed anonymous 15/10 18:40:12 (UTC) 77,773.79 2,500.041539 4,861 4,323 88.93
3542075 Confirmed anonymous 15/10 10:58:54 (UTC) 66,452.66 2,500.002290 4,153 3,892 93.72
3541561 Confirmed anonymous 15/10 02:22:04 (UTC) 64,209.39 2,500.368962 4,013 6,772 168.75
Totals 88,796 94,167 106.05
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.