Block Shares

Block Shares
3768516 3768615 3770168 3771244 3771570 3771614 3771727 3772032 3772530 3772575 3773265 3773910 3774347 3776691 3778517 3778722 3779038 3779095 3779900 3780327
Expected 5569 5374 5917 6287 4994 4904 4960 5425 5412 5217 5077 5405 5118 5158 5202 5328 5644 6316 5733 5274
Actual 1331 1163 15495 9642 3582 391 1041 2712 4470 506 6411 5321 4448 20059 16935 1997 2541 388 7390 4072
Average 5618 5543 6912 7617 6748 5309 5020 4909 4911 4033 4541 4957 3852 4894 6229 6390 6540 6308 6600 6956

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 3,124,212 75206 75188 18 79,061.9055 371531660 380843848 102.51% 287045878.30099 2.41%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 1 1 0 84,379.2094 5274 4072 77.21% 2500.16783448 0.07%
Last 7 Days 10,080 14 14 0 86,022.3544 75270 78291 104.01% 35003.19395496 0.14%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 58 58 0 86,164.6881 312347 369103 118.17% 145008.19212125 0.14%
Last 12 Month 483,840 1011 1011 0 86,184.2896 5445770 5313725 97.58% 2527755.2960454 0.21%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3780327 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 23:14:20 (UTC) 84,379.21 2,500.167834 5,274 4,072 77.21
3779900 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 15:57:18 (UTC) 91,732.20 2,500.040065 5,733 7,390 128.90
3779095 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 02:13:10 (UTC) 101,054.13 2,500.325242 6,316 388 6.14
3779038 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 01:24:24 (UTC) 90,297.32 2,500.014557 5,644 2,541 45.02
3778722 Confirmed anonymous 29/03 20:21:32 (UTC) 85,243.37 2,500.462274 5,328 1,997 37.48
3778517 Confirmed anonymous 29/03 16:56:26 (UTC) 83,239.37 2,500.071339 5,202 16,935 325.55
3776691 Confirmed anonymous 28/03 10:14:44 (UTC) 82,530.78 2,500.940646 5,158 20,059 388.89
3774347 Confirmed anonymous 26/03 19:04:36 (UTC) 81,891.88 2,500.000000 5,118 4,448 86.91
3773910 Confirmed anonymous 26/03 11:31:42 (UTC) 86,479.18 2,500.112516 5,405 5,321 98.45
3773265 Confirmed anonymous 26/03 00:54:28 (UTC) 81,224.38 2,500.459881 5,077 6,411 126.28
3772575 Confirmed anonymous 25/03 13:15:19 (UTC) 83,475.57 2,500.000000 5,217 506 9.70
3772530 Confirmed anonymous 25/03 12:22:54 (UTC) 86,599.49 2,500.537129 5,412 4,470 82.59
3772032 Confirmed anonymous 25/03 04:09:38 (UTC) 86,804.27 2,500.056204 5,425 2,712 49.99
3771727 Confirmed anonymous 24/03 23:07:28 (UTC) 79,361.80 2,500.006267 4,960 1,041 20.99
3771614 Confirmed anonymous 24/03 21:13:21 (UTC) 78,468.63 2,500.002271 4,904 391 7.97
3771570 Confirmed anonymous 24/03 20:31:36 (UTC) 79,902.18 2,500.025068 4,994 3,582 71.73
3771244 Confirmed anonymous 24/03 14:34:44 (UTC) 100,585.54 2,500.059104 6,287 9,642 153.36
3770168 Confirmed anonymous 23/03 20:38:42 (UTC) 94,678.52 2,500.000000 5,917 15,495 261.87
3768615 Confirmed anonymous 22/03 18:45:10 (UTC) 85,978.86 2,500.020001 5,374 1,163 21.64
3768516 Confirmed anonymous 22/03 16:59:12 (UTC) 89,104.00 2,500.063873 5,569 1,331 23.90
Totals 108,314 109,895 101.46
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.